Storm Update

The City of Carthage continues to clean up from the significant storm damage caused on the night of May 6, 2024. The National Weather Service upon assessment determined that an EF-1-rated tornado with max winds of 95 mph and 100 yards in width cut west of town and lifted after the golf course. Straight line winds continued at 80 mph creating a damage path through the city.

“Now that we are past the initial phase of response to our latest series of damaging storms, we need to take a breath and recognize the amazing actions that have gotten us to this point,” said Mayor Rife. “The City’s Emergency Management Director was in contact with department heads, as well as outside agencies to assess the damage and prioritize the responses. Resources were being offered immediately, as was communication to ensure that assistance and/or materials were accessible to those in need. Obviously, it will take time to get the city fully restored. All of our city staff have been working tirelessly to make sure the streets, power, parks, and individual properties are safe and back in service. A huge thank you to every City staff member, as well as those assisting from other communities, business owners who have donated time and resources, and citizens who have joined the effort. When events like this happen, it makes you remember what makes Carthage so great…the people!”

Tree Damage/Vegetation Clean-Up Plan and How You Can Help:

INSURANCE: If your property is insured, contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Your insurance company may give you specific instructions regarding how to document your claim, clean up, and recover the costs of clean-up. NOTE: This will be the fastest way for you to ensure your property is cleaned up quickly.

VEGETATION DROP-OFF: The City has removed the fees for Tree Limb and Foliage Drop-Off at the Recycling Center located at 1309 Oak Hill Road Carthage, MO. It is open Monday through Saturday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until storm debris is clear. PLEASE DO NOT leave tree limbs at the gate of the facility if arriving after the facility has closed for the day. This is for tree limbs and foliage only. Building and construction debris will not be accepted at this site.

DON’T PUT VEGETATION IN STREETS: Please DO NOT move tree limbs into the streets. Our crews have already cleared the streets and cannot continue to do this as we need to move on to the next phases of clean-up. You may stack debris at the curb or along the street (out of the street and off of sidewalks but within public right-of-way) so long as you are not blocking drainage areas or access to utilities which CW&EP, Spire Gas, or the City may need to access. City crews are currently working to clear alley ways, once clear the crews will begin working on vegetation debris pick-up.

YOU MAY BURN TREE AND VEGETATION PILES: The Carthage Fire Department asks that you follow the city open burning ordinance. To understand the ordinance regulation or determine if the fire department allows burning on that day (according to weather conditions), please call 417-237-7100 and give the address of the planned burn to Fire Department officials. Only residential vegetative material allowed: tree branches and leaves may be burned in piles that are less than three (3) feet in diameter by two (2) foot high.

VOLUNTEER ASSISTANCE: Those unable to move their own tree limbs (elderly, disabled, etc.) may call 417-237-7050 to request volunteer assistance. Also, if you would like to volunteer to assist with tree limb removal, you may also call 417-237-7050.

MORE INFO: For more information on general storm clean-up, call the City of Carthage at 417-237-7000.