Insurance / Audits & Claims Committee

Meeting Times

  • This committee meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday every month.

  • Time: 5:30 pm

  • Location: City Hall in Council Chambers

Agendas & Minutes

Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.

In October 2022 our agendas moved to the "CivicClerk" Agenda Center. Please click here and then select the board/committee you're interested in.

Committee Members

  • Jana Schramm*

  • Derek Peterson

  • Terri Heckmaster


Function of Insurance/Audits & Claims Committee

In addition to passing on claims presented against the City, the committee shall audit the reports of all officers and make such recommendations with reference thereto as it may deem proper for the good of the city government. The committee shall examine and report upon any question pertaining to the disbursement of public monies, as may be referred to it by the Council. The committee shall review the City's insurance policies, personnel issues and it shall have such other functions as may assigned by the Council.