Public Safety
This committee meets the third Monday every month.
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: City Hall Council Chambers
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
In October 2022 our agendas moved to the "CivicClerk" Agenda Center. Please click here and then select the board/committee you're interested in.
Committee Members
Terri Heckmaster*
Tom Barlow
Chris Taylor
Functions of Public Safety Committee
It shall be the duty of the Public Safety Committee to advise and cooperate with the Police Department and Fire Department of the city and otherwise to perform such duties pertaining to police and fire within the City as may be referred to it by the Council. If a vacancy shall exist in the Office of the Fire Chief or Police Chief, it shall be the duty of the Public Safety Committee to take applications for said positions in accordance with existing City rules and to recommend a suitable person to the Mayor of the City for appointment as Chief of Police or Fire Chief of the City.
Public Safety Committee-Guidelines
The Carthage Public Safety Committee will meet the third Monday of each month at 5:30 pm, with the location of the meeting being in the City Hall Council Chambers.
General Rules
Missouri Sunshine Law requires ALL public meeting agendas to be posted 24 hours in advance of any such meeting in which items/issues will need to be voted on by a committee.
The following guidelines shall apply to meetings of the Public Safety Committee:
Items for the agenda shall be submitted to the Carthage Fire Department Secretary before noon at least five business days prior to the regularly scheduled Public Safety Committee meeting. These items will be passed on to the appropriate Official for approval. Final approval for agenda items rests with the Mayor. Any agenda item can be accepted or refused for consideration based on his/her approval. Any item submitted within 5 days of meeting will not be placed on the agenda without prior approval of the Public Safety Committee Chairperson, City Mayor, or City Administrator.
Only items related to Public Safety will be added to the agenda unless prior approval has been granted by the Public Safety Committee Chairperson, City Mayor, or City Administrator.
The Public Safety Agenda shall be completed and distributed, by email, by 5:00 pm, five business days prior to the regularly scheduled Public Safety Committee Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting will be taken by the Carthage Fire Department Secretary using the Public Safety Committee-Minutes template and then electronically transcribed and recorded. The "draft" copy of the meeting minutes shall be submitted for approval by the Carthage Fire Chief and Police Chief by 5:00 pm the day following the regularly scheduled Public Safety Committee meeting. The "final" copy of the minutes shall be posted by 5:00 pm on the Wednesday following the regularly scheduled meeting.
Citizens Participation Period
Any Carthage citizen wishing to speak at the Public Safety Committee Meeting is welcome to do so during the "Citizens Participation Period". The citizen shall give their name, address, and affiliation before presenting their ideas or opinions. No action or ruling will be made by the Public Safety Committee during the "Citizens Participation Period" unless the item has previously been approved as an agenda item.
Special Meetings
It is understood circumstances may arise in which an emergency meeting of the Public Safety Committee may be warranted. These instances shall be limited to extreme cases of issues involving the safety and welfare of the public or instances needing immediate resolution by the committee. All requests for a special meeting must be approved by the Public Safety Committee Chairperson, City Mayor, and City Administrator.